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intensive course of

The practice of bhakti is to awaken and cultivate divine love within the heart from a reconnection with the voice and all its expressive and expansive potential.

It is the conscious exercise of keeping the living flame of love at the root of the heart and performing actions as an offering in the fire of love. Bhakti Yoga translates as the Yoga of Devotion.


Every action can be bathed in Bhakti. From the depth of the heart everything can be an offering.


I invite you to experience thebhakti yogain this course, through practices  such as the chanting of mantras

We will also dive into henaad yoga, discovering the Sound in its maximum subtlety using ancient Hindustani classical music scales that were born hundreds of years ago inside the temples.

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We will work with Hindu mantras and compositions of different deities that will help us develop and invoke personal strengths.


We will incorporate some ornaments from Hindustani singing embellishing our voice, giving it that spicy Hindu touch.


We will learn about rhythm and percussion. How to sing bhajans and lead kirtans.

We will also begin to discover the magic of the Ragas, the classical music scales of India.


This will give your personal mantras a unique color so that, together with the recitation, you can sing them and create a sound yoga practice tailored to you, discovering so the power that hides chant these ancient mantras.


The singing of India is a very ancient and profound language, a wisdom of thousands of years that produces different therapeutic effects such as calming, balancing and relieving the mind, generating a balance between the hemispheres of the brain.

The course consists of 4 modules of 10 hours. and it can be done by studying weekly or intensively.


  • Virtual course:

It is suggested to carry out the course synchronously: the connections in real time will allow us to have debates and group dynamics. If any student is forced to
Doing it asynchronously is no problem. The virtual days will be 2 hours maximum.


  • Classroom course:

The course requires space for both the theoretical part where there will be a slide presentation, as well as free space for group dynamics. 

  • mixed course

It will unite the strength of the two modalities.


  • Intensive days:
    1 or 2 full days, 8 hours of study per day: A brief introduction to the voice as a work tool, discover the basic care to have a healthy expression.


  • Course from 10 hours to 20 hours:
    This course includes monitoring for the development of the voice, which will allow the new expressive strengths to be anchored, and in this way, allow the body and mind to assimilate the changes in the way of expressing and communicating both inside and outside the classroom.

Sobre Sebas

Músico, Cantante, Arquitecto y Director de Arte & Creatividad, especialista en empoderamiento de voces y la transformación personal a través del poder de la voz. Con su enfoque en el autodescubrimiento y la conexión emocional, fusiona la voz con prácticas de autoconocimiento, canto y comunicación consciente para despertar la creatividad, manifestar nuestros deseos más profundos y lograr una verdadera transformación personal.

Sebastián se formó en Argentina como arquitecto y director de arte & creatividad, y luego su vida hizo un gran cambio al mudarse a India en el 2012, donde vivió por tres años y desde entonces sigue estudiando la profundidad del sonido y el silencio desde disciplinas en Naad Yoga (terapia del sonido), música hindustani (música clásica de la India) y budismo tibetano (mindfulness).


Brinda clases, sesiones y retiros en India, Europa y LatAm, acompaña a las personas a un viaje por su interior, las ayuda a conectar con su potencia creativa y a liberarla a través de la voz.

Sumérgete en un proceso integral que te ayudará a desarrollar claridad en la comunicación y transmisión de ideas, sentimiento
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